AHRI Gwalior provides the best treatment for ear wax issues
The ear canal produces cerumen, a light brown or yellow-colored fluid also known as ear wax. It is a waxy oil that protects the ear from foreign particles, dust and microbes, protecting ear canal skin against irritation caused by water as well. Normally, the excess wax finds its way out of the ear canal, into ear opening and then gets washed away. Ear wax when produced more than necessary blocks the ear. It is the most common reason for temporary hearing loss but AHRI provides best treatment for ear wax.
Excess ear wax generation does not become cause of hearing loss automatically. When this wax is pushed deeper by cotton swabs, pins or any other equipment, it creates blockage leading to hearing loss. Continuous usage of earphones is also a major cause of ear wax problems as it prohibits the wax to wash out.
Symptoms of ear wax are quite easily noticeable;
- Partial hearing loss in one or both ears
- Buzzing in ear
- Fullness in ear
- Ear pain
- Drainage from ear
- Fever, coughing and dizziness in severe cases
If you come across any of the above signs, visit your doctor as soon as possible.
AHRI Gwalior provides the best treatment for ear wax issues. Treatments at AHRI Gwalior are safe, economic and patient friendly. The hospital is facilitated enough to test all types of hearing issues in adults as well as in newborns.
AHRI consists of maintained labs and pathologies under the supervision of trained professionals. It is committed to ensuring excellent outcomes for patients by the effective use of technology, taking care of their satisfaction and safety as well.