January 22, 2022 0



Audiometry is a well-regulated process. It involves a pure-tone test for the quietest sound one can hear at varied pitches. It not only tests the hearing but also inspects tone of sounds, intensity, balance issues and other concerns of inner ear. Naturally, hearing loss comes with age but it can take place in youngsters too. Globally hearing loss has become a common issue among people in their 40s or 50s. AHRI offers the best audiometry test in Gwalior. The Audiology department at AHRI is well-equipped with all the latest technological advancements to requirements of any kind.

Under the guidance and comprehensive supervision of Dr. S R Agrawal and Dr. Rahul Agarwal, audiology team at AHRI consists of the best doctors and well-experienced medical professionals. SR Agarwal is one of the most acclaimed ENT surgeons in India who has been serving his patients for more than 50 years. Dr. Rahul Agrawal with experience in more than 200 cases of successful surgeries is the best ENT surgeon in Gwalior.

Causes of hearing loss are normally identifiable and examined easily. Some of the usually observed causes include; regular exposure to loud noises, auto-immune infections, severe neurological infections, injury in head and infections in inner ear.

AHRI offers its patients all hearing-related treatments which are safe and economic. The hospital is facilitated enough to test all types of hearing issues in adults as well as in newborns. AHRI consists of maintained labs and pathologies under the supervision of trained professionals. It is committed to ensuring excellent outcomes for patients by the effective use of technology, taking care of their satisfaction and safety as well.

January 22, 2022 0

best dentist in Gwalior

Swollen gums indicate gum disease or a severe dental infection. Swelling in gums takes place at the junction of teeth and gums. Here the gums acquire a reddish shade instead of their natural pink color. Swollen gums are not only infectious but also extremely painful and irritating.

Swelling in gums can be treated with several home remedies like gargling and flossing but when the pain becomes unbearable, one must visit his dentist as soon as possible. Also, avoid any medication without seeking a proper dental consultation.

There exist a few commonly observed causes of gum swelling. Avoiding these reasons one can easily keep gum swelling at bay.

Food stuck in teeth becomes a boon for the acid-producing bacteria that further infect the whole mouth. Rinse your mouth properly after eating anything. This not only keeps you orally healthy but also maintains dental freshness.

Pregnant women also suffer from swollen gums due to changes in hormones. This is not a signal of any serious medical issue and can be treated by normal home remedies.

Oral Infections or allergies also cause gum swelling or other dental problems. In such cases, proper medical consultation should be taken immediately.

Apart from these reasons, side effects, malnutrition and overconsumption of acidic food also lead to swollen gums.

AHRI Gwalior provides the best treatment for swollen gums. Dental team at AHRI is proficient in delivering expert consultations regarding oral hygiene and other preventive measures. AHRI is well equipped with the key aspects like inside mouth camera system, sterilization and infection control procedures at the highest stage and a Hi-dental equipment safety.

AHRI is the best dental care institute in Gwalior. Under the leadership of the best two best dentist in Gwalior Dr. Rohit Agrawal and Dr. Shipra Agrawal, dental team at AHRI consists of medical professionals who are well trained and proficiently experienced.  The dentistry department of AHRI assures such a highly advanced and technological treatment accompanied by the best possible care and that too at nominal costs.

for more details about best dentist in Gwalior Dr. Rohit Agrawal and Dr. Shipra Agrawal

January 22, 2022 0

best hospital in Gwalior

Our Tongue has several tasks to perform and for that, it should be able to have movements in all directions. Tongue-tie is a disability that binds the tongue at one place prohibiting its movement. Initially, it creates difficulties in breastfeeding. As in tongue-tie movements of tongue are limited, it causes lingual issues in babies. Therefore, babies suffering from tongue-tie cannot have a clear speech.

This problem is generally noticed in babies at the time of their birth and sustains lifelong when left untreated. Because tongue-tie takes place at a very initial stage when the baby is born, it does not include apparent symptoms. But as it’s a crucial ailment there lie certain noticeable signs that include;

Baby makes clicking sounds during breastfeeding.

Tongue of the baby shows no movement.

Nipples of the mother get cracks and linings causing breast infections.

Babies suffering from tongue-tie face issues in weight gain.

Duration of breastfeeding is also long with kids suffering from tongue-tie.

Apart from these symptoms, tongue-tie can also be examined physically just by noticing the condition of mouth and tongue in the child. For the older kids, pronunciation test can be performed in which they should be asked to speak an ‘L’ or an ‘I’. For the younger ones a wooden stick called tongue depressor should be adopted for this purpose.

AHRI is the best hospital in Gwalior for audiology and speech-related problems in patients of all age groups. It is committed to ensuring excellent outcomes for patients by the effective use of technology, taking care of their satisfaction and safety as well. AHRI Gwalior has a team of the best doctors and well-experienced medical professionals.

For more info about AHRI best hospital in Gwalior click here

January 22, 2022 0

IVF Hospital in Gwalior

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF is an assisted reproductive method that increases the chances of pregnancy. In this, the eggs are collected from ovaries and fertilized with sperms. Couples face various myths and doubts regarding IVF or its after-effects. All such myths are meagerly due to a lack of information about this beneficially advanced procedure. This blog contains solutions to all your myths and confusion about IVF. Here, Dr. Sonali Agarwal has shared a detailed opinion on every aspect concerned with IVF. Dr. Sonali Agarwal is a practicing gynecologist in AHRI IVF Hospital in Gwalior. She has been serving her patients for over a decade and stands as the best IVF expert in Gwalior.

Myth 1: IVF is unnatural

According to Dr. Sonali Agarwal, IVF cannot be considered an exclusively unnatural process. It involves laboratory assistance to meet male and female reproductive hormones, a process that the female body is unable to execute. Besides this single step, everything is completely natural.

Myth 2: IVF is painful

IVF includes just two or three injections during its whole procedure. These injections are light and not at all painful.

Myth 3: Multiple pregnancies

Conventional IVF procedures contained a 10-15 percent risk of multiple pregnancies but in single embryo transfer technique, this risk becomes negligible.

Myth 4: Increases chances of abortion

According to Dr. Sonali Agarwal IVF does not increase any chance of spontaneous abortion. There is no such research that advocates this myth.

Myth 5: Affects natural conception

Dr. Sonali Agarwal has observed several cases of natural conception after IVF. IVF does not prohibit couples to enjoy their parenthood dreams in any manner.

AHRI Best IVF Hospital in Gwalior has achieved great success in the field of IVF, by assisting to satisfy the parenthood dreams of infertile couples. Success of any medical organization depends highly on its team. The IVF center at AHRI has a well-trained staff that works as a team having full cooperation with each other. Each member is concerned to provide the best possible care to the patients with dedication and compassion. The center is a blend of manpower with the latest technological advancements.


January 22, 2022 0

treatment for ear wax

Excess ear wax generation does not become a cause of hearing loss automatically. When this wax is pushed deeper by cotton swabs, pins, or any other equipment, it creates blockage leading to hearing loss.  Continuous usage of earphones is also a major cause of ear wax problems as it prohibits the wax to wash out. AHRI Gwalior provides the best treatment for ear wax issues.

The ear canal produces cerumen, a light brown or yellow-colored fluid also known as ear wax. It is waxy oil that protects the ear from foreign particles, dust and microbes, protecting ear canal skin against irritation caused by water as well. Normally, the excess wax finds its way out of the ear canal, into the ear opening and then gets washed away. Ear wax when produced more than necessary blocks the ear. It is the most common reason for temporary hearing loss.

Symptoms of excess ear wax production are quite apparent and can be easily noticed. Buzzing and fullness in ear, severe ear pain, partial hearing loss and drainage from ear are certain common results of excess ear wax accumulation. Fever, dizziness and coughing are also observed in some crucial cases. If you too experience any of such symptoms, visit your doctor as soon as possible.

AHRI Gwalior provides the best treatment for ear wax issues. AHRI consists of maintained labs and pathologies under the supervision of trained professionals. Treatments at AHRI Gwalior are safe, economic and patient-friendly. The hospital is facilitated enough to test all types of hearing issues in adults as well as in newborns. It is committed to ensuring excellent outcomes for patients by the effective use of technology, taking care of their satisfaction and safety as well.

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